Cleaning & Maintaining your Machine

It is really important to both look after our machines and keep cleaning as we go:

·      The machine will last longer; it reduces faults on equipment by keeping them clean

·      Coffee tastes better through a clean machine! Clean machine increases consistency as the flavour will not be affected by dirt/build-up of coffee oils

·      Promotes good teamwork- clean colleagues are easier to work with

·      Prevents poor health and hygiene and cross-contamination.

·      You can provide faster service when the space is clean and overall better customer service, it gives a positive image to customers


Trouble Shooting your espresso machine

·      Worn group seals means water leaks from the sides of the group head/portafilter or portafilter inserts further than usual- very easy to replace

·      Worn washers on steam valves- will not steam properly. Keep them clean!

·      Block the drip tray drain box or waste pipe and your espresso machine will not drain properly and probably end up leaking underneath the machine- you need to make sure you pour minimal substances down there


Best practice:

·      Use and clean machines safely

·      Use cleaning chemicals safely

·      Follow manufacturer’s instructions

·      Do not contaminate people's food or drinks with chemicals, always flush out the chemicals- they are poisonous


During the Day:

·      Back flush and brush the group-head/shower screen throughout the day

·      Remove basket from portafilter and clean with hot water throughout the day


At the end of the day:

·      Empty and wipe the bean hopper

·      Grind and discard the last of the coffee from the grinder and/or empty the doser- chamber and brush out all excess grounds

·      Back flush group-head with espresso machine detergent

·      Brush shower screen and rinse group-head/backflush with water until detergent is rinsed out

·      Drop shower screen and soak in hot water and detergent, rinse thoroughly and reassemble

·      Remove basket from portafilter and soak in hot water and detergent, rinse thoroughly and reassemble

·      Clean steam wand thoroughly, checking the steam tip holes for milk residue

·      Remove and clean the drip tray


When you clean your grinder always make sure it is switched off and UNPLUGGED AT THE WALL!

Always flush cleaning products and chemicals from the espresso machine and grinder properly so that you don’t make people sick or poison people or have the coffee taste tainted


Espresso Standards


Customer Segments