Varieties in Arabica

Just like grape varieties giving us different flavoured wines, coffee also has many varieties and flavours. The two key species we drink are Arabica and Robusta, although others do exist like Liberica and Excelsa.

Under these different species there are so many different varieties- here are some from arabica: you may see them on coffee packaging!

Bourbon and typica are cultivated children of the coffee plant.
Bourbon: chocolatey/caramel
Typica: fruity/floral
Caturra/pacas/bounbocito & tekisic- bourbon cup in quality but lack in finish Catuai- sweet but vegetal as it cools

Catimor- inferior cup, starts off sweet but falls apart as it cools Rare varieties are ok but less consistent.

Geisha- outlandish cup qualities and price- floral, juicy, citrus fruits
Mundo nova- hybrid of bourbon and sumatra- small round bean, good for low altitudes and brazils rain- fall
Catuai- central/south america - yellow and red- hybrid of mundo novo and caturra- it is similar to catur- ra, drier finish and safer choice for farmers.
Mokka- tiny beans, unique roasting required
SL28 & SL34- kenya, el salvador, central america (but mostly kenya)- phosphoric acid

SL28- light green buds, cup known for soft, stone fruit, creamy, floral
SL34- bronze coloured buds, tangerine and dark chocolate.
Tekisic- improved bourbon- sweet brown sugar, deutch culture, shorter, more abrupt finish.
Caturra- natural mutation of bourbon- windresistant- brazil-cherry to citrus and dark chocolate to cara- mel.
Pacas- natural mutation of bourbon- dwarfism protects from the wind.
Marrogogipe (pacamara/maracaturra/maracatu)- elephant beans- citric cups, tangerine and grapefruit- unpredictable though!
EKCG- ethiopia, lasts//maintains quality for longer, tastes btter over time some say- washed ethiopian on a list will be this- blend added, good for espresso, great single origin, ginger- limeade, great coffee ceremony.

